
Regional Picture

Regional Picture

National CRVS Strategy


A key principle in the Regional Action Framework is that countries should take the lead in improving national CRVS systems. To do so, one of the implementation steps of the Regional Action Framework on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific highlights that countries should: ‘Develop and implement a comprehensive multisectoral national CRVS strategy, aligned, where appropriate, with the action areas of the Regional Action Framework, with political commitment, adequate funding, and a clear delineation of responsibilities for stakeholders to establish accountability for the implementation’.

A strategy is a “method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem”. In other words, a national CRVS strategy should outline how a country aims to reach the goals and national targets of the CRVS decade.

This information note, developed by the Regional Steering Group for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific with support from ESCAP and partners, highlights the importance of national CRVS strategies, their role within the Regional Action Framework and suggests the content of the strategies.


Resources on some countries' national CRVS strategy:






