The Regional Steering Group for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific guides the implementation of the Regional Action Framework and acts as the custodian of the Asia and Pacific CRVS Decade (2015 - 2024).

As described in the Terms of References, membership in the Regional Steering Group is based on Governmental nominations and represents a balance of both geography and sectors, including civil registration, statistics, justice, health and planning. The current composition of the Regional Steering Group was endorsed by the ESCAP Commission at its 75th session in May 2019 and includes 30 members; 22 member states and 8 development partners. To read more about the RSG's history and developments please see the RSG History information note.

To access presentations or outcome documents from the RSG meetings please follow the links below.

The complete list of Regional Steering Group members for the 2020 - 2024 period of the CRVS Decade can be found below.


