08 Feb 2019
Workshop on Transforming CRVS Systems through the Business Process Improvement Approach

Between 28 - 30 January, in Bangkok, Thailand, Vital Strategies and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized a workshop for stakeholders responsible for the CRVS and digital ID ecosystem. The workshop, facilitated by a world-leading expert on BPI for CRVS systems, allowed facilitators to present and share a business process improvement approach to CRVS systems transformation, share experiences from applying the approach in other countries, as well as provide participants an initial, hands-on experience with the tools used for Business Process Improvement and introduce them to the Vital Strategies’ developed CRVS legal review tool and its relationship to the implementation of the BPI approach.

For accessing the workshop's resources please visit Resources for Workshop on Transforming CRVS Systems through the Business Process Improvement Approach

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