30 Jan 2025
Webinar series: Right to identity and access to justice

The Identity Rights Working Group, co-chaired by CHIP and the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI), has launched a webinar series focusing on access to justice and effective remedies for children whose identity rights have been contravened. The series builds upon the valuable insights gained from a recent expert meeting that brought together key stakeholders, including members of the CRC Committee, UN agencies, NGOs, academics, and individuals with lived experience.

The series offers four 90-minute webinars, mirroring the structure and themes of the previous expert meeting. For the more details on the webinar series, please visit the information page here. Webinar 3 and Webinar 4 will take place in February and March 2025.

Webinar 3 (18 February 2025) - Speedily re-establishing missing elements of children's identity in emergency situations:  please see information and register here

Webinar 4 (4 March 2025) - Right to family relations and access to justice and effective remedies:  please see information and register here. 

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