30 Jan 2025
Towards Inclusivity: Development of Civil Registration in Indonesia 2019-2023

BPS - Statistics Indonesia has launched a new report titled "Towards Inclusivity: Development of Civil Registration in Indonesia 2019-2023". The report highlights progress made by the Indonesian government in improving its civil registration system. 

Recent advancements in civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) include the formation of a dedicated National CRVS Committee, the creation of a comprehensive National CRVS Strategy, and the launch of several pilot projects aimed at enhancing data quality and coverage. The report underscores the critical role of inter-sectoral collaboration and community engagement in achieving universal civil registration.

Despite these achievements, the report acknowledges ongoing challenges, including the need to improve data quality, enhance data analysis and utilization, and address the specific needs of vulnerable populations. The report concludes with recommendations for strengthening Indonesia's civil registration system, emphasizing the necessity for continued investment in human resources, technology, and infrastructure.

Please click here for the report.

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