21 Jun 2023
Supporting evidence to inform policy outcomes in Fiji: First consultative meeting

(Newsletter June 2023)

The consultative meeting was held online on 21 June 2023. It presented an opportunity for relevant stakeholders to share experiences with the evidence to action cycle and offer opinions on how it can be improved in Fiji. The objective of the project is to ensure that data and evidence are used effectively and disseminated in a way that is conducive to policy use. Representatives from the national statistics office, national focal points for CRVS, Ministries of Health and Justice and other key producers and users of CRVS data gathered to discuss needs, gaps and priorities in this context. The consultation was hosted by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics,  organized by ESCAP, and supported by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative. Going forward, stakeholders are expected to identify priority policy areas, and to develop and disseminate knowledge materials to facilitate policy discussions. More information on the consultation can be found here

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