
News & Events

30 Jul 2024
Status Update – 2025 Review Questionnaire

Congratulations to Armenia for being the first to submit the completed questionnaire for the 2025 review of progress in implementing the Regional Action Framework on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific! The ESCAP secretariat certainly appreciates the early submission. Thanks to all the stakeholders who contributed during the process. The national coordination mechanism was extensively involved in the completion of the questionnaire.

The questionnaire was launched in June, and members and associate members of ESCAP are requested to return the completed questionnaire to ESCAP by 15 September 2024. ESCAP has compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers on our webpage. In addition to the FAQs, ESCAP will organize two Stats Café webinars on 14 August and 2 September on the 2025 review questionnaire completion. Members and associate members of ESCAP are highly encouraged to attend the Stats Café to learn from the experiences of their peers, ask questions, and discover existing support to facilitate their questionnaire completion.

For more information on the 2025 review, please refer to the following webpage. For those who are completing the questionnaire, you may contact the ESCAP secretariat for additional support via [email protected]. We look forward to receiving the completed questionnaire. 

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