The Sustainable Development Goals give increased impetus for improving CRVS systems since a large proportion of the indicators are relying heavily on data, which can be obtained from well functioning CRVS systems. In addition to this, two specific indicators highlight the need for registration. This includes indicator 16.9 as well as indicator 17.19.2: “Proportion of countries that (a) have conducted at least one population and housing census in the last 10 years; and (b) have achieved 100 per cent birth registration and 80 per cent death registration”. This indicator falls within Goal 17, which highlights the need for revitalizing global partnerships for sustainable development with a focus on capacity building for improved data, monitoring and accountability. As part of the follow up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Goal 17 will be reviewed in-depth at the 2017 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) by member states and stakeholders in July 2017.

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