19 Apr 2016
Regional workshop on outcomes and lessons learnt from technical assistance projects in support of improving CRVS systems

On 18-19 April, ESCAP convened a regional workshop for countries who received small grants to support national CRVS improvement activities. The technical activities conducted by countries reflected their specific national priorities and were aligned with the Regional Action Framework for CRVS. Participants included partner institutions from Armenia, Bhutan, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati and the Philippines. The workshop provided an opportunity for representatives to review the outcomes of the technical assistance activities/projects, share their experiences and lessons learned, and formulate recommendations on the way forward. The workshop also included specific capacity building sessions on the establishment of national CRVS coordination mechanisms and development of national multi-sectoral CRVS strategies. Documents and presentations from the event can be accessed here


The technical assistance grants and regional workshop are two outputs of the interregional Development Account project “Strengthening the capacity of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems in Africa, and Asia and Pacific regions to produce continuous and reliable indicators for measuring progress on the development indicators”, which is being jointly implemented by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).


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