20 Oct 2023
NGO celebrates registration awareness month in Nepal

(Newsletter October 2023)

The Citizenship Affected People Network (CAPN) is a civil society network of over 1800 affected people in Nepal, formed in 2015. They strive to achieve universal and compulsory birth registration in Nepal, as it is the fundamental basis of the legal identity of children. Without it, children lack access to human and child rights, including the right to education.

For the month of November, CAPN launched the Nepalese registration awareness month. This program is part of an international initiative that celebrates November as a month of 'Childhood Statelessness and the Right to Education' and is led by the Institute of Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI). As a national partner, CAPN is celebrating this through various activities, including  a school outreach program to spread awareness.

To directly engage children, CAPN will organise awareness raising sessions within six higher secondary schools and develop an informative Tiktok campaign, focusing on the procedure and required documents related to birth registration and minor ID card. CAPN also plans to create and distribute flyers, infographics and pamphlets explaining the procedure for birth registration that will be shared with students’ parents.

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