27 Sep 2024
New research article highlights effectiveness of a financial incentive tied to on-time birth registration in Fiji

A recently published research article documents the sharp improvement in on-time birth registration nationally in Fiji from 58% prior to the incentive to 93% during the incentive. For the two-years the inventive was available (August 2018 - July 2020) it was most effective at improving the timeliness of birth registration among the iTaukei ethnicity, young mothers, and single mothers. After it was discontinued, the timeliness of birth registration deteriorated sharply, highlighting the need to consider reinstatement of incentives tied to on-time birth registration in Fiji. Even small economic incentives, or coupons to exchange for items required to care for a newborn, are likely to have a positive impact on birth registration and exploration of these options is recommended.

This article was a collaboration between UNSW Sydney, Fiji Civil Registry, Fiji Bureau of Statistics, Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Vital Strategies and ESCAP.

For more information, please click here. 

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