10 Mar 2023
Integrating Gender Equity in Health Data

(Newsletter March 2023)

The Data for Health (D4H) Initiative’s Gender Equity Unit aims to increase understanding of the need for gender data and how to use such data to inform health policy and programming. The Unit provides training materials to strengthen capacity to collect high-quality health data in over 25 low- and middle-income countries; manages the Gender Equity in Health Data hub; tracks country progress towards key indicators using a gender equity data landscape; and builds country partner capacity to integrate gender equity work. The team works with those collecting and utilizing health data from the community level to the Ministry level to mainstream gender equity in their work. It organizes training sessions, webinars, mentorship, or technical assistance on data collection, analysis, and policy application. It is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies and housed in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

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ESCAP recently released a publication entitled, "Time for Equality: The Role of Social Protection…

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UNHCR recently released the report 'I am Here, I Belong: the Urgent Need to End Childhood…

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