This short video gives a quick overview of the website, In the video it is explained how to make use of the design functions aiming to support information exchange between partners and countries. The website enables access to CRVS related information on members and associate members as well as partners,

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(Newsletter: CRVS Insight June 2022) A project in Fiji funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data…
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight July 2022) The regional demographic training workshop on evaluation of…
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight June 2022) On Friday 27 May 2022, members and associate members of ESCAP…
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight June 2022) Pakistan, together with UNICEF, UNFPA, and ESCAP, addressed…
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight June 2022) On 18 May 2022, ESCAP and UNDP organized a one-day multi-…
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight May 2022) In collaboration with ESCAP, the Technical Support Unit -…
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight May 2022) Traditional census-taking, in principle, entails canvassing…
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight May 2022) The ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and the Protection of…
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight May 2022) UNFPA is partnering with the Government of Pakistan to build a…
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight May 2022) Data on COVID-19-related deaths are essential to assess the…