06 Aug 2024
CRVS Inequality Assessment Project in Indonesia

ESCAP, in collaboration with Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia) and supported by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health (D4H) Initiative, organized an inception workshop to officially launch a project focused on implementing inequality assessments in Indonesia. Held on August 6, 2024, in Jakarta, the workshop brought together approximately 50 participants from key ministries involved in Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) systems, including the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), and the Ministry of Health (MOH). Representatives from WHO, the World Bank, UNHCR, UNFPA, and UNICEF also participated in the workshop.

The interactive workshop introduced the project, engaging relevant stakeholders to share best practices implemented at the regency level to enhance the completeness of civil registration. Participants also discussed challenges faced and approaches and data requirements for conducting inequality assessments.

Following the inception workshop, a three-day capacity-building session was held from August 7-9, focusing on the application of various statistical techniques to estimate the completeness of birth and death registrations and to identify those who are left behind across different dimensions of inequality. The workshop was attended by 40 participants, with the majority representing BPS. Additional participants included representatives from BAPPENAS, MOHA, MOH, WHO, as well as intern students at BPS and students from the College of Statistics, which is managed by BPS.

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