
News & Events

24 Nov 2020
Consultation with children and youth on CRVS

(Newsletter: CRVS Insight November (2) 2020)

In preparation for the Second Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and Pacific, the Child Rights Coalition Asia, World Vision, and UN ESCAP will, over the coming months, conduct:

  • children and youth consultations in selected countries in Asia and the Pacific; and
  • a virtual forum of children and youth in the sub-regions of Greater Mekong, South Asia and Southeast Asia.

CRC Asia is hiring a videographer and a research team to be part of their efforts in the build-up to next year's Second Ministerial Conference. For more information and to read the Terms of References for each position, please visit the CRC Asia website here.

If you would like to know more about the consultation process, please contact Indah Abayan, Programme officer with CRC Asia ([email protected]). Interested NGOs are particularly encouraged to take contact.

CRC Asia is a network of child rights organizations working together to be a strong voice for child rights in the region by leading in strengthening child rights movements, promoting innovative programs, and advocating better policies for and with the children. A key part of its work is the advancement of children’s right to be heard on issues that either directly or indirectly affect them, including the development of CRVS systems.

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