Do you want to know how many countries in Asia and the Pacific have a CRVS coordination mechanism? Are you interested in how ambitious the national targets are for the CRVS Decade? Do you know when countries in Asia and the Pacific aim to be able to produce annual vital statistics reports? This brochure gives an overview of the central elements of the CRVS Decade as well as they key challenges faced by the region to achieve the shared vision that, by 2024, all people in Asia and the Pacific will benefit from universal and responsive civil registration and vital statistics systems that facilitate the realization of their rights and support good governance, health and development. Included in the brochure are countries' baselines and national targets for several of the targets of the Regional Action Framework on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific. Also included, is a status update on the various implementation steps of the Regional Action Framework. The brochure can be accessed here.
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