04 Mar 2025
Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2025: Engaging communities to close the evidence gap

The 2025 SDG Progress Report from the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) was launched in February 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand. The report reveals that the region's progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) remains significantly underperforming. Despite the region's ongoing efforts, progress is lagging or stagnating on some targets, highlighting the urgent need for a transformative shift in statistical systems.

The report puts a spotlight on a significant data gap, including in Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS). Birth and death registrations, which are vital for monitoring progress across many SDGs, pave ways for constructive policymaking and enable targeted interventions for vulnerable populations. Accurate CRVS systems ensure that every birth, death, and other vital events are recorded, providing the data necessary for effective policymaking and resource allocation. They also help in providing legal identity for all, which is fundamental for accessing various services and rights.

The report calls for urgent action to bridge evidence gaps and ensure that progress towards the SDGs is inclusive and leaves no one behind, including increased investment in statistical systems and stronger partnerships.

Please click here for the report.

Please visit the event page for presentation and recording here.  

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