02 Dec 2019
23 Member states have already reported on their progress on CRVS since 2015 by submitting their midterm questionnaire to ESCAP

(Newsletter: CRVS Insight December 2019)

As an important component for monitoring and evaluating progress, countries committed to reporting their progress throughout the CRVS Decade (2015 - 2024). By 16 December, countries should submit responses to the midterm questionnaire updating on their progress on meeting their national CRVS targets. The responses to the midterm questionnaires will be aggregated into a midterm regional synthesis report and used to generate an regional picture of the status of CRVS and highlight existing challenges.

Country responses to the midterm questionnaire will be used to inform and guide the preparations for the Second Ministerial Conference on CRVS in October 2020 where ministers are expected to renew political commitment to CRVS development, highlight the importance of CRVS systems as the foundation for legal identity, and showcase the critical role CRVS plays in supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The midterm questionnaires will allow countries to monitor their progress in meeting the targets of Regional Action Framework on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific but also enable development partners to identify where support is needed.

In 2015, countries submitted baseline reports detailing their nationally set targets, their status for the targets, information on national CRVS coordination mechanisms, comprehensive assessments and national strategies for CRVS which resulted in the regional baseline report.


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