Many countries in Asia and the Pacific do not have universal and responsive CRVS systems that meet relevant international standards. This hampers inclusive and sustainable development in the region and progress towards achieving internationally agreed development goals such as the SDGs. In response, governments and development partners in the region have come together as part of the Get every one in the picture regional initiative. Get every one in the picture aims to accelerate and focus efforts to improve CRVS systems in the region by forging political commitment, regional cooperation and accountability, facilitating exchange of knowledge and technical assistance, raising awareness, development of innovations and making tools and resources available.
The regional governments and CRVS partners shared vision is that, by 2024, all people in Asia and the Pacific will benefit from universal and responsive CRVS systems that facilitate the realization of their rights and support good governance, health and development. Government’s political commitment at the highest levels plays an essential role in ensuring that relevant government stakeholders effectively take on their roles and responsibilities, and unify around a single comprehensive multisectoral national CRVS strategy. It is imperative that all levels of government are engaged in the process of establishing political commitment and development of a comprehensive multisectoral national CRVS strategy. (Image: © UN ESCAP 2014, Ministerial Conference)
Government Commitment
Country Assessments and Strategies, 2025
Newsletters, 2025
Country Assessments and Strategies, 2025