As we embark on a new year, please join us in celebrating the significant achievements made by the regional CRVS community over the past year. In 2023, many countries in Asia and the Pacific enhanced their civil registration systems through legal changes, process improvements, digitization, increased registration completeness and strengthened vital statistics production; all with the goal of ensuring universal civil registration that really gets every one in the picture.
While celebrating these achievements, we should also take a moment to remind ourselves that 2024 will mark the end of the Asian and Pacific CRVS Decade, underscoring the work that remains on the pathway to achieving our collective vision. We hope that the upcoming year will be marked by continued successes within the CRVS community as we strive to ensure that all people in Asia and the Pacific will benefit from universal and responsive CRVS systems.
On behalf of ESCAP, we extend our warm wishes for a successful new year to everyone in our community!
- Dissemination Workshop on Law on Civil Registration, Vital Statistics, and Identification in Cambodia
- Budget advocacy yields systemic change for the Maldives’ civil registration system
- Launch of Tonga's National Vital Statistics Report 2018-2020
- Capacity Building Workshop on Assessing Inequalities in CRVS in the Philippineshttps://getinthepicture.org/news/launch-tongas-national-vital-statistics-report-2018-2020
- First digital birth certificate in Sri Lanka issued
- Southeast Asian roundtables advance civil registration and identity documentation to prevent statelessness
- Launch of the Bali Process Toolkit for Inclusive Civil Registration
- CRVS Business Process Improvement in Fiji
- Digitally Transforming the CRVS and Birth Registration System in Samoa
- Assessing the policy utility of routine mortality statistics: a global classification of countries
- Comparative performance of national civil registration and vital statistics systems: a global assessment
- Global analysis of birth statistics from civil registration and vital statistics systems
- Bali Process Toolkit for Inclusive Civil Registration
- Tonga National Vital Statistics Report 2018-2020
- ESCAP blog post: From bureaucratic labyrinths to accessible civil registration
- UN Data blog post: Seven lessons we should learn from the pandemic
Upcoming Events:
- 20 – 23 February 2024: Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development
- 7- 9 May 2024: Meeting of the Regional Steering Group for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific
Professional opportunities: