National CRVS focal points

At the 2014 Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific, member States agreed to several implementation steps as part of the Regional Action Framework.

Member States recognized the importance of having a National CRVS focal point to ensure communication between CRVS stakeholders in the country as well as ESCAP and development partners. The role of the national CRVS focal points is to liaise with the ESCAP secretariat to report and monitor progress in implementing the Regional Action Framework, on behalf of all CRVS stakeholders in a country. The National CRVS focal points therefore play a crucial role in the implementation of the Regional Action Framework.

Throughout 2015, members and associate members have been nominating national CRVS focal points. Names of national CRVS focal points are available under the country profiles. A list of national CRVS focal points with contact details and affiliation can be accessed here.