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Linking CRVS and ID4D for monitoring SGDs and national development plans
Integrating CRVS and identity management systems has multiple benefits in several sectors. Using a unique identification number to link a national civil register with other databases such as for migration, employment, social security, taxation, education, and voter rolls allows the government to maintain up-to-date, reliable information about its population to perform specific administrative tasks, such as taxation, elections, and immigration. Specifically, it allows the use of availability of high-quality, timely, and reliable data disaggregated by geographic location, sex, age, ethnicity, and other characteristics relevant in national context for the production of vital statistics for monitoring the SDGs as well as national development plans. For instance, some countries have experienced cost reductions or eliminated the need for a full population census when a civil register is linked with administrative registers. The session will showcase experiences from Mauritius, Slovenia, Thailand and Korea.