Event Details
As part of strengthening Management Information Systems (MIS), Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has been using Information Communication and Technology (ICT) for collecting routine data on health, services, human resource, logistics, citizen’s grievance, and, staff attendance for couple of years by using ‘District Health Information System (dhis2)’, ‘Human Resource Information System (HRIS)’ and few other software. To monitor progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh based on real time data from different sources, an open visualization system has been developed in 2016 to address the issue of ensuring access to information and accountability.
In the above context, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh would like to host an international conference on Data for Decision Making (D4D) from 1st to 3rd April, 2017 in Dhaka, as a follow-up event of ‘Measurement & Accountability for Health (MA4H) conference’ held in Bangladesh in April 2016.